January 12, 2018

Silver Fox

So I’ve decided to go gray. Not just a rash decision. I’ve had white hair growing naturally amid my dyed hair for as long as I can remember- But I have been dying my hair to ‘hide’ white hairs for years probably since my 20s when my hair was a combination of brown and these off the beaten path white ‘stragglers’ would pop outta nowhere... now the time and MONEY spent over the years and years in the upkeep alone for dying fast growing locks like mine is nothing to laugh about! Thousands and thousands of dollars!!! I would say-every 4-6 weeks going in to see a professional stylist for cut and color back down in Los Angeles and then after moving up here finding another stylist stretching out the coloring process as long as possible but at least every 6 weeks - $$$$ I finally took it into my own hands almost 2 years ago and did Henna hair dye to get away from all chemicals and toxins after 20 years of dying my hair. I would mix henna with red wine and spices to achieve my favorite hue. But the Smell!!! And the Time and the Process!!! Like COW POOP!!!  I have an enlarged thyroid and doctors can find ‘nothing’ out of the ordinary. I wasn’t convinced that chemicals aren’t to blame.  I don’t feel good about dumping chemicals on my head every few weeks anymore! So flash forward to - THE GREAT SILVER GROW OUT - I last Henna’ed my hair in the end of October of 2017 so I have photos of Nov and then now January 2018 I have had  a lot of progress. I am excited! It has a lot of white and silver - my daughters are excited about it they compliment the hair and say it is pretty and shiny and looks glittery ... that helps boost my confidence...growing it out in such a way where the rest of my head is completely RED is a very bold thing to do —- I think of myself as a Red Fox growing it’s Silver Coat ....at 42 I finally feel as if my true self is emerging...

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Six years later…

Well well well… time has a way of changing things… but the more things change, the more they stay the same … isn’t that how the saying goes?...