January 12, 2018


I really strive to keep a healthy and happy home. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” or isn’t that what they always used to teach?  But somewhere along the way we have all been over exposed and drenched up to our eyeballs in chemicals, crazy toxins and factory made-butyl-who-knows-what! Not to mention good old fashioned tried and true BLEACH  - grandma always taught us to bleach the hell out of things right? Not now. It’s time for a radical shift in mindset and a change in education and imagination. We live on property (2.5 acres) and have a septic system. Do you know that we NEED the good bacteria to EAT up and BREAK DOWN the bad bacteria and sludge? Bleach kills that good bacteria and will kill our septic. Not only is bleach toxic to breathe it causes all sorts of health problems if you are over exposed to it. What happens to humans after a lifetime of exposure to bleach and chemical soups of bathing products laundry and cleaning aides all leaching into our skin within 26 seconds of contact with our skin? I had used Melaleuca The Wellness Company’s products back in 2002 before marrying and moving up here - flash forward to life with kids and sensitive skin still being an issue of mine (along with wanting to make healthy choices for our family and property)... it’s a no-brainer... Melaleuca’s cleaning and laundry products are free of parabens, phthalates and formaldehyde as well as being biodegradable! So wonderful. I am grateful that although NO COMPANY OR PRODUCT IS PERFECT they have a 32 year track record of NO MEDICAL CLAIMS AND ARE A PROVEN manufacturer. I am also hoping to share the company and their opportunity for building a business with more families so that they can create safer less toxic homes just by referring the shopping club too.

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Six years later…

Well well well… time has a way of changing things… but the more things change, the more they stay the same … isn’t that how the saying goes?...