May 5, 2018

Bali and stuff...

it’s been a while... Since January! I just returned two weeks ago from an AMAZING trip to Bali. My youngest brother was married there and I was blessed to be able to travel there on my own to meet up with my siblings and mom to celebrate! What a trip. Not only was it a trip getting ready to go physically and mentally - (with hepatitis A shot, malaria and typhoid pills to take beforehand) I’m one of those cautious travelers LOL. ... the lengthy plane ride was enough to scare me it was 2 hour drive from our foothills home to San Francisco Airport, then of course my husband got me there like 4 hours early! The first leg of my flight was 13 hours non-stop to Taipei ... what a cool airport! So much to see - I had a 4 hour layover and loved that then I connected in Taipei to the 5 hour flight to Bali. So do able after being in the airplane after that long!!! When I arrived in Bali it was two days later - talk about time travel and the humidity is definitely the first thing you notice. ITS INSANELY HUMID. Have never experienced this type of humidity in my life before. The taxi driver at the airport thought I was from Australia since so many Aussies had been on holiday there recently. I will post more soon.

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Six years later…

Well well well… time has a way of changing things… but the more things change, the more they stay the same … isn’t that how the saying goes?...