August 27, 2010

Lost and Found

Last night we feared the worst. Our precious Buff Cochin hen, Goldie, aka, Big Yellow was gone. She was nowhere to be found. My eldest thought maybe a hawk got her. I started thinking maybe a chicken snatcher chicken-napped her; with all the egg problems nowadays, who wouldn't want to steal a fresh bird to lay them some fresh eggs?! (Hey, it could happen!) But really, we were worried. We called, we yelled, we hiked around the yard, the front, the back, all the play areas. No bok boks in response. She was never to be seen again. I was sad and angry at myself for letting them out of their hen house and chicken run to play in the yard.
This morning, as I lay asleep in bed, I heard the loudest of our hens, Goldie! Could it be? Nah...I was dreaming. I actually got up and went to the window to see if she was out there looking inside the hen yard asking her friends to let her in. No such luck. Sadness embraced me again and I returned to bed. A little later, I continued my morning routine, getting the girls ready for the day. During breakfast I could hear the hens outside, talking about another chicken (don't ask me how I know this). Then I heard it.  Goldie and her clucking! The beautiful sound came from another part of the yard! I ran out and looked from the deck down toward the goat pen. She was actually in the goat run! She was alive and I could not believe my eyes. She must have wandered in there yesterday and been in their goat house all afternoon and evening. My guess is she wanted to take a vacation or get a fresh perspective in life. She realized she has it pretty darn good. We are all so glad that our Big Yellow is back. Bok Bok!

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Six years later…

Well well well… time has a way of changing things… but the more things change, the more they stay the same … isn’t that how the saying goes?...